Hey there! I'm-

Ankit Yadav.

Final year Computer Science and Engineering student.

🚀 Exploring opportunities and side projects.

💻 Currently specializing in Frond-end Developement.

Bachelors of Computer Science & Engineering
Indira Gandhi University, Haryana, India
Years: 2020-2024 (Expected)
Current Status: Final Year Student
git Git
language-html5 HTML
language-css3 CSS
language-javascript JS
microsoft-visual-studio-code VSCode
react React
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Tailwind CSS Tailwind
landing page

Landing Page

A responsive landing page created using Next.js with a combination of client and server side rendered reusable components and styled with tailwind.

Inventory Management Tool

A simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) inventory management system. It allows you to manage your inventory by adding, viewing, updating, and deleting items.


Personal Website

This very portfolio website which I built it from scratch with using only HTML,CSS and Vanilla JavaScript and no frameworks whatsoever.

Want help solving Sudoku?

An interactive sudoku solver that I made with my friend. I primarily designed the front end and other visual and iteractive elements.

Let's work together!